The most common soft tissue surgery performed in clinic is a partial or full nail avulsion. This procedure involves the partial or full removal of a toenail.
In most cases a partial nail avulsion is performed to preserve as much healthy nail as possible. When ingrown toenails occur they can sometimes be resolved with proper nail cutting and removal of the offending piece of nail. In some cases and ingrown toenail is a chronic condition and the ingrown returns even after proper cutting of the toenail. Sometimes that nail has been damaged resulting in a thickened, involuted nail that digs into the skin at all times. In these chronic cases, a partial nail avulsion may be recommended.
Ingrown toe nail surgery
Why do ingrown toenails occur?
· Improper nail cutting technique
· Trauma to the toenail
· Ill-fitting footwear
What are the signs and symptoms of an ingrown toenail?
Painful, tender toe
Red, warm and mildly swollen toe
Possible yellowish or whitish coloured drainage (pus)
Pain from the sheets hitting the toe in bed

Ingrown toenail surgery....
Partial Nail Avulsion involves the partial removal of the ingrowing part of the nail under local anaesthesia. The matrix (the 'root') is then eradicated using phenol - a true and tested method that has been used by the Clinic for the past 40 years